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In the final week we will perform a task to develop your writing skills.  After this you will consider what role you feel would suit you and you might like to take on as a member of the team.  We are also looking for some demonstration of initiative this week as well as your course report, which will include setting some objectives for you going forward with Physiopedia.

But first, we have a special video from experienced volunteer and course facilitator Scott Buxton, he has some wise words of wisdom for you. This video is a couple of years old now but still worth a listen to Scott, who is now our Physiospot Editor!

Task 1: Develop writing skills

Working in Physiopedia is all about analysing the most current published literature, summarising findings and writing those findings in a clear and concise way that conveys clinical relevance to physiotherapists and physical therapists from all over the world.

With that in mind we would like you to write a short article that would be suitable to publish on Physiospot. It could be on a professional topic that you are passionate about and could share in a Task 2: Reflect on the volunteer orientation course

This week we would like you to prepare a piece of work that reflects on your experiences on the volunteer orientation course and considers your future learning and role on the team.

In this piece of work we are looking for:

  • Evidence of reflection – we would like to see that you have reflected on your experience of the past 3 weeks on the course. For example, what did you enjoy, what have you learned, how will this impact your professional practice etc.
  • Skills that you can bring to the team – it is also important that you tell us what part of the Physiopedia project interests you the most and what specific and/or unique skills you have that you can contribute to the team, for example you might like to: develop paediatric content, set up a project for your students, use your graphic design skills, use your languages skills, help develop courses etc.
  • Innovation – this doesn’t have to be a written piece of text, it could be an image, infographic or video, show us your creative skills!
  • Originality – make your piece of work different and stand out amongst the crowd.

Submit your work by adding it to your final activity report (see Task 4).

Task 3: Discussion 

  1. Share your piece of work from Task 1 – upload it to Task 4: Complete your activity report

    Once you have completed all the tasks this week you need to function gtElInit() { var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService(); lib.setCheckVisibility(false); lib.translatePage('en', 'pt', function (progress, done, error) { if (progress == 100 || done || error) { document.getElementById("gt-dt-spinner").style.display = "none"; } }); }

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