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Top ContributorsChristina Nowak and Amrita Patro  


Preclinical disability is defined as an intermediary state of increased vulnerability in which a person does not identify as having disability or impairment in daily tasks but who, consciously or unconsciously, modifies the frequency of completing the task or the way in which the task is completed in order to function at an optimal level. 

Examples of this would be a person who does not go out for errands but waits until they have to take one trip and get a bunch of items (frequency), or requiring the use of a handrail in order to go up the stairs or get up from a chair (task). 

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1. “Coping with Preclinical Disability: Older Women’s Experiences of Everyday Activities.” Journal of Nursing Scholarship 42.4 (2010): 439-47. Print.
2. “Diving Below the Surface of Progressive Disability: Considering Compensatory Strategies as Evidence of Sub-Clinical Disability.” The journals of gerontology.Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences 69.2 (2014): 263-74. Print.
3. “Does Self-Reported Function Correspond to Objective Measures of Functional Impairment?.” Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 11.9 (2010): 645-53. Print.
4. Fried, L., et al. “Preclinical Mobility Disability Predicts Incident Mobility Disability in Older Women.” Journals of Gerontology – Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 55.1 (2000): M43-52. Print.
5. Fried, Linda. “Preclinical Disability: Hypotheses about the Bottom of the Iceberg.” Journal of aging and health 3.2 (1991): 285-300. Print.

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