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This page serves as a convenient location for wikitext that you may find useful when adding media to an article. Select Edit -> Edit Source and then copy the wikitext you want. Be careful not to change the original code on this page!


Please note that placement of images and videos is only apparent when viewing a Physiopedia article on a larger device such as a laptop or tablet. When viewed on a smartphone, images/videos will not be justified (e.g. to the right or left) as in the first screenshot below. Rather, they will appear in series with the text, as in the second screenshot below. Similarly, the size of an image or video will automatically adjust on a smartphone screen. Because 50% of Physiopedia users access the site through a smartphone, consider how an article will appear on such devices when you are adding your chosen media.

Screenshot from a laptop

Screenshot from a smartphone


View Adding images tutorial if you have not done so before.

Single Images

I am a left-justified thumbnail

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam congue diam mauris, vel ornare orci iaculis eget. In quis vehicula nulla, sed tincidunt eros. Nunc venenatis at velit non lacinia. Fusce dictum faucibus enim, sit amet bibendum elit aliquet ut. Quisque efficitur sem nec consectetur dapibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

I am a right-justified thumbnail

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam congue diam mauris, vel ornare orci iaculis eget. In quis vehicula nulla, sed tincidunt eros. Nunc venenatis at velit non lacinia. Fusce dictum faucibus enim, sit amet bibendum elit aliquet ut. Quisque efficitur sem nec consectetur dapibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

These next two images (frame and thumb) can have a caption and can be positioned right, left or centre.

I have a frame

These next two images (basic and frameless) do not have visible captions by default but if you add a caption in the editing window, a frame will appear around the image to house the caption. These images cannot be positioned using the standard wiki editing features.

This image is basic without a border.

PP logo.PNG

This image is basic with a border.
PP logo.PNG

This image is frameless.

PP logo.PNG

Multiple Images

Two Side by Side

PP logo.PNG
PS logo.PNG

Three Side by Side


View Adding video tutorial if you have not done so before.

Single Video

Multiple Videos

Two Side by Side

Three Side by Side

Two x Two Grid

Image and Video Side by Side

PP logo.PNG


Please do not use tables for layout (e.g. images) – only use them to display tables of data (such as below). If you need to edit the layout of images or video in a way where you might otherwise have used a table, instead please use the grid system provided by the

Image A: Smartphone screenshot of Tables 1 & 2 – These collapse to fit smaller screens

Image B: Smartphone screenshot of Tables 1 & 2 – Readers scroll across to read more content in larger tables

Image C: Smartphone screenshot of Table 3 – Does not collapse to fit small screen

Table 1

This table was created using the Edit tool. The biggest table size in this tool is 4×4 but once you have created the basic table, you can add more cells by copying/pasting code when in Edit Source mode.

Caption: This Table Was Created by Edit->Insert->Table
1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1
1-2 2-2 3-2 4-2
1-3 2-3 3-3 4-3
1-4 2-4 3-4 4-4

Table 2

1st Column Heading 2nd Column Heading 3rd Column Heading 4th Column Heading
1st column 2nd row 2nd column 2nd row 3rd column 2nd row 4th column 2nd row
1st column 3rd row 2nd column 3rd row 3rd column 3rd row 4th column 3rd row
1st column 4th row 2nd column 4th row 3rd column 4th row 4th column 4th row

Table 3

Column 1:
1st Row:
Column 2:
1st Row:
Column 3:
1st Row:
Column 4:
1st Row:
Column 5:
1st Row:
Column 1:
2nd Row:
Column 2:
2nd Row:
Column 3:
2nd Row:
Column 4:
2nd Row:
Column 5:
2nd Row:
Column 1:
3rd Row:
Column 2:
3rd Row:
Column 3:
3rd Row:
Column 4:
3rd Row:
Column 5:
3rd Row:
Column 1:
4th Row:
Column 2:
4th Row:
Column 3:
4th Row:
Column 4:
4th Row:
Column 5:
4th Row:


PP plus logo.PNG


  1. Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: Physiopedia. A introduction to the new Physiopedia Plus. Available from: function gtElInit() { var lib = new google.translate.TranslateService(); lib.setCheckVisibility(false); lib.translatePage('en', 'pt', function (progress, done, error) { if (progress == 100 || done || error) { document.getElementById("gt-dt-spinner").style.display = "none"; } }); }

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