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There are three basic types of peripheral nerve injuries (PNI) commonly seen in the clinic[1].

  1. Stretch related– the peripheral nerves are elastic, but when a traction force is too strong injury occurs. If the Traction force is strong enough, a complete tear may occur, but most commonly the continuity is retained, resulting in injuries such as [1].

The most common of the three is  stretch-related, followed by lacerations and compression[2].


There are two commonly used classification for PNI-  the Seddon classification and the Sunderland classification.

Seddon classified nerve injuries into three major groups: neurapraxia,axonotmesis, and neurotmesis whereas Sunderland expanded Seddon’s classification to five degrees of peripheral nerve injury as described in the table below: [2] [3]

Seddon  Process Sunderland 
Neurapraxia Local myelin damage usually secondary to compression First degree
Axonotmesis Axon severed but endoneurium intact (optimal circumstances for regeneration) Second degree
Axonotmesis Axon discontinuity, endoneurial tube discontinuity, perineurium and fascicular arrangement preserved Third degree
Axonotmesis Loss of continuity of axons, endoneurial tubes, perineurium and fasciculi; epineurium intact Fourth degree
Neurotmesis Complete physiologic disruption of entire nerve trunk Fifth degree



Nerve Anatomy

FG14 06b.jpg

 For a great information source for Physiotherapy following nerve injury see Nerve Injury Rehabilitation Physiotherapy


  1. References
    1. 1.01.1 Burnett MG, Zager EL. Pathophysiology of peripheral nerve injury: a brief review. Neurosurgical focus. 2004 May;16(5):1-7.
    2. 2.02.1 Campbell WW. Evaluation and management of peripheral nerve injury. Clinical neurophysiology. 2008 Sep 30;119(9):1951-65.
    3. Lee SK, Wolfe SW. Peripheral nerve injury and repair. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2000 Jul 1;8(4):243-52.
    4. nerve damage and regeneration

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