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Inclinação Talar Ir para: navegação, pesquisa

Purpose To examine the ankle for injury of the Anterior Talofibular ligament and the Calcaneofibular ligament. Technique Patient is seated with foot and ankle unsupported. The foot is positioned in […]

Teste de varredura Ir para: navegação, pesquisa

Definition/description The sweep test is also known as knee” effusion test>, bulge” test>, brush” test> It is used to assess for joint effusion- presence of increased intra-articular fluid in the […]

Síndrome de T4 Ir para: navegação, pesquisa

Clinically Relevant Anatomy A typical thoracic vertebra has a total of six joints with neighboring vertebrae: four synovial joints and two symphyses. Although the movement between any two vertebrae is […]

Siringomielia Ir para: navegação, pesquisa

Definition/Description  Syringomyelia is a rare neurogenic disease which can damage the spinal cord due to formation of a fluid-filled area in the form of a cyst (Syrinx), usually found in […]

Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico Ir para: navegação, pesquisa

Definition/Description Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that can manifest itself in several different ways including: discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), drug-induced lupus, late-state lupus, and antiphopholipid […]

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